Tag Archive: theater

The Agenda! For Now…

Word up friends. Sorry for the massive delay, been incredibly busy! 

So tonight, I’m going to be playing Resident Evil 5 online with Josh. I will most likely FINALLY finish the Spot In The Game Part 2.  Took me long enough, but directing & acting in a play and having to be to the theater 4 days a week on top of my day job… it was wearing me down. I’m feeling much better these days, but last night was one of my cast members last performances. It was sad to see her go, but she’s running away on a European vacation, so she’ll be just fine.

So, have faith! I haven’t neglected the web ‘verse too much! I’ll be back in full force before too long.  Until then, enjoy and have fun.

I still live!

Sorry folks, been a lot going on, so I finally figured I’d check back in and post what’s going on.  Currently I still have the play of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare which is going on until the end of March. Hit the jump for more details and also the mention of Wordle.net

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I’m sorry that the new video isn’t done, it’s still just sitting and mocking me in my editing program. However, with the current play that I’m directing, this is officially Hell Week.  For those who don’t do theater or don’t have a clue what Hell Week is, I’m sure that you can guess. Basically, we open Friday. I have two casts of the show and I’m doing my best to ensure that both are ready to open and knock this play out of the park. To do so, this week is the first rehearsal with lights, costumes, props, and no assistance at all with scripting. Hence… Hell Week.

Killzone 2 Yet… I’ve found the time to play some games and take the time to unwind as it has been a fairly stressful few weeks. I decided, after struggling to find a convincingly negative review on the title, to pick up my copy of Killzone 2 at launch. Wow. 

I don’t usually take a large shine on FPS. Reason One: I’m colorblind. Not sure if many people take this into effect, but, take Halo for example, if you’re Red/Green colorblind, and you’re on the Blue Team… your enemies don’t need active camo in order to blend seamlessly into the lush green fields. Point Two: I really thought that all of the Halo series is over-hyped, and really there’s nothing new it brought to the table for me. I just didn’t find it to be fun, especially with the community that plays Halo because it’s all about competitive gameplay rather than just fun. It created a bunch of gamers who are more eager to sling verbal lashings than actually having fun playing a game. 

Before I get flamed by every XBox or Halo Fanboy in the ‘Net, Killzone 2 didn’t bring anything new to the table either. The story is exceedingly casual, but I digged the ending. I won’t give it away, but I liked the ending to this game. It wasn’t expected. The story evolves in very unique manner which I was surprised to see in the title. More importantly, I thoroughly enjoyed the online play. I like the fact that it rewards the players who play consistently enough to branch out in to the special classes, much like that of Call of Duty 4. It was just fun though. They worked out a system where you can seamlessly bounce between the different game types without loading the maps over and over just to change the game style. So you can bounce from Body Count to Assassination. If you’re lucky enough, maybe you’ve been following the Assassination Target trying to get a melee kill, and now he’s the end goal for that match.  It was just fun. The ranking system definitely can take a while to progress, so for anyone just starting out and eager to try out some of the new classes, find a game where they’re doing all 5 gametypes and it keeps a running tally of the points you earn. 

When the dust settles… the story mode was rather short. Casually took me two days to complete (about 5 – 6 hours) with only a few “hot spots” that were increasingly frustrating. I wish the cover system would’ve made it into the Multiplayer but it does keep you creatively thinking while going head to head against a live player. If you own a PS3, this is an absolute must buy for the FPS fan. Again, it doesn’t bring anything new to the table, but the graphics are gorgeous, the multiplayer is addictingly fun, and the slight RPG element keeps the game interesting as you keep signing up for more games to progress to the next level to unlock more options. Even managed to snag the Clan name “The Brown Coats.” (TBCS) 

Until then, have a wicked awesome day.

So… it was kind of an interesting day.  I’m working out at a new theater called Village Green and working on the production of She Loves Me as Mr. Maraczek. Unique show, it’s pretty much “You’ve Got Mail” only… musical… and 1940’s. 

Anyway.  So, that’s pretty much been the most of my time lately.  Working on several scripts to film this next coming year with my production company since the winter season is a grinding halt for production. Been playing games and figured I’d take a quick moment to review Fallout 3 since I am way behind on the review. Click on the jump to read about Fallout 3 and my opinions regarding this title.

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Mic Check… one, two?

Okay, so… hey, how’s it going? Nice huge break from the blogging scene.  Too much to cover in just one post so I’ll be making multiple posts today due to some downtime at work while we wait for script approval.

I’ve started at my new job where we do video reviews on various projects.  Gotta love my job, I get to work in video production, I have the opportunity to be the host for several upcoming projects, and get to work on my film projects with my company.

Family health is doing good, which is surprising. So that’s always a plus.  We’re getting ready to perform in another 48-Hour Film Fest this coming up weekend so if anyone wants to help out or be a part of it, feel free to contact me.

I’m also doing a play at Village Green. It’s called “Murder & Sherlock Holmes.”  The concept: You’re going to view Sherlock Holmes and the Speckled Band performed live for you.  Backstage of the performance unearths a problem as one of the cast members mysteriously dies.  During intermission, they welcome an inspector who’s investigating the murder.  The stage lights go up as the stage manager is determined to finish the show.  The inspector is tossed into the play with the cast helping where they can to help him stumble through the role while they still try to figure out who killed the actor.  It’s a fun show!

After that, I’ll be in “She Loves Me” which is basically the musical version of “You’ve Got Mail.” I play Mr. Maraczek (Pronounced: “Mair-a-check”) who is the shop keep for the store that Georg & Amalia work in.  It’s a fun role, so looking forward to the challenge.

That’s enough babbling for this post… today I should be posting a gaming update, a project update, and filming stories worth sharing.  Later.