Tag Archive: Dawn of War

This weeks SITG is brought to you by: … well… okay, so it’s not really sponsored or anything. I will say that the communication was provided by PSN and the spiffy little bluetooth headset that came with SOCOM: Confrontation! All will be explained. Hit the jump for this week’s adventure. [Caution: Remember the last entry and I warned of naughty, naughty language? Same rules apply. This post contains adult language such as the “F-Bomb” and many colorful descriptions of the scenarios at hand. Now it’s your own fault if you get offended.]

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So here we go… going to try this concept. So I’m going to be “logging” from the battle field and hopefully I can make it interesting. I’ll tag all of these stories as SITG (Spot in the Game) so if you DO like these for some reason, you can easily find them all via that method. Warning: These segments will have naughty naughty language. Not sure if you game, but any gamer knows that when in the heat of battle, language concerns are the last of your mind. So this a recreation of the entire experience. Here we go: (After the jump)

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So… here we go, I’m going to probably get a bit more flak for this post than most of my other ones, but meh. It’s what’s hot and what not.

I hate politics. I can’t really make that any more clearer. Politics brings out nothing but the worst in people. People get more tense, snippy, angry, violent, and unapproachable with politics involved. While not entirely a bad thing, cause it does mean that someone strongly feels about one thing or another. That’s good, but that crosses that level of passion and becomes an issue for me. When I get attacked because I don’t have a strong opinion about my new president and his reign to come… I have an issue with that. (More after the jump)

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